Frank Lampard Resmi Pensiun dari Sepak Bola

Gelandang asal Inggris, Frank Lampard, resmi menyatakan pensiun dari sepak bola. Hal itu diungkapkan dia melalui media sosial Instagram.

Lampard memang sedang berstatus tanpa klub setelah kontraknya bersama New York City FC (NYFC) berakhir per 1 Januari 2017.

Ia pernah mengatakan bahwa ada sejumlah klub Inggris yang melayangkan tawaran kepadanya. Namun, pria 38 tahun itu akhirnya memutuskan gantung sepatu.

"Setelah 21 tahun yang luar biasa, saya memutuskan bahwa sekarang adalah waktu paling tepat untuk mengakhiri karier sebagai pemain sepak bola profesional," tulis Lampard pada keterangan video unggahannya di Instagram, Kamis (2/2/2017) sore WIB.

"Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada banyak orang, khususnya kepada orangtua yang telah menanamkan nilai-nilai kerja keras, dedikasi, dan profesionalisme kepada saya."
After 21 incredible years, I have decided that now is the right time to finish my career as a professional footballer. Whilst I have received a number of exciting offers to continue playing at home and abroad, at 38 I feel now is the time to begin the next chapter in my life. I’m immensely proud of the trophies I’ve won, of representing my country over 100 times and of scoring more than 300 career goals. I have many people to thank. I thank my parents for instilling in me the values of hard work, dedication and professionalism, values which I have carried with me in everything that I do. I am forever grateful for the support of my family, my wife Christine and my two daughters Luna and Isla. What you have given me off the pitch has always been my strength on it. I love you all very much. Also, my friends and my own team that have always been there for me. I would like to thank the amazing team-mates, coaches, managers and backroom staff that I was privileged to work with. I’d also like to pay tribute to the clubs that I have represented. Firstly, West Ham United who gave me my debut in 1996. Thanks to the people there that believed in me at that young age. More recently Manchester City and NYCFC. I greatly enjoyed my last playing years at these two clubs and really appreciate the support I received from City Football Group and both clubs’ fans. Of course, the largest part of my heart belongs to Chelsea, a club which has given me so many great memories. I will never forget the opportunity they gave me and the success that we managed to achieve together. It is impossible to give thanks individually to all the people that helped and supported me in my 13 years playing there. All I can say is from the day I signed until now and going forward, I'm eternally grateful for everything and to everyone. Chelsea fans gave myself and my teammates such incredible support. Their passion and hunger drove me on personally to give my best year after year. I couldn't have done it without them. Looking forward, I'm grateful to the FA for the opportunity to study for my coaching qualifications and I look forward to pursuing the off-field opportunities that this decision opens. 

Setelah mengakhiri kariernya, Lampard pun menyatakan siap untuk mendalami studi kepelatihan pada masa mendatang.

"Saya berterima kasih kepada FA (Asosiasi Sepak Bola Inggris) yang memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk mengikuti kualifikasi kepelatihan," tulisnya.

Lampard mengawali kiprahnya di sepak bola dengan tergabung di tim yunior West Ham United pada 1994. Setahun kemudian, ia promosi ke tim utama.

Saat masih di West Ham, Lampard pernah mempersembahkan Piala Intertoto pada 1999, serta menorehkan 25 gol dalam 157 penampilan.

Memasuki 2001, Lampard hijrah ke Chelsea. Di klub inilah, Lampard meraih kesuksesan besar dalam kariernya.

Bersama Chelsea, Lampard meraih tiga gelar Premier League, empat Piala FA, dua Piala Liga Inggris, dua Community Shield, satu Liga Europa, dan satu trofi Liga Champions.

Setelah kontraknya di Chelsea tak diperbarui, Lampard merantau ke Amerika Serikat dengan bergabung ke NYFC. Namun, ia sempat dipinjamkan NYFC ke Manchester City pada Agustus 2014 - Juni 2015.

Kemudian, dia kembali ke NYFC dan berkarier di sana hingga Januari 2017.

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